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Prayer/ Intercession Ministry


 What does God want to do next in our city? He wants to use you as a change agent. Change comes about through prayer. Regardless of your age, status, ministry calling, or place in life, that’s where God invites you to collaborate with Him in a prayer adventure of faith. If you respond to His call and become ignited and united with others in prayer for a breakthrough in people’s lives, you will be partnering with God, bearing fruit for God’s Kingdom advance of the Gospel.




In our city alone, we have seen what the power of prayer and fasting can do. Two years ago our Senior Pastor called a corporate time of prayer and fasting. In that time, our church contacted local leaders and petitioned them for prayer requests. Only a few weeks after completing this time of prayer an fasting, we received countless telephone calls and emails from our local leaders. Amoung them was our City Economic Developer, who testified within one of our services about how businesses began contacting his office to the point of where he had to hire a secretary. Shortly after, the City of Rochelle received the news that Nippon Sharyo would be building one of the largest train manufacturing facilities within our great city. Rest assured, prayer does indeed work!



Through this ministry we have seen and experienced God’s miraculous power. We have watched God equip thousands to exchange their cares for His “cares” (His plans and purposes) using the simple strategies of this ministry. Many testify how these concepts have brought transformation into and through their lives and how through this model they have learned to pray and live evangelistically in the power and fullness of the Holy Spirit. 


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